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导读 关于小学五年级英语上册单词朗读,小学五年级英语上册这个问题很多朋友还不知道,今天小六来为大家解答以上的问题,现在让我们一起来看看吧


1、小学英语五年级上册作文小学英语五年级上册作文小学英语五年级上册作文小学英语五年级上册作文 1 My English TeacherMy English TeacherMy English TeacherMy English Teacher Miss Tang is my English teacher. Miss Tang is my English teacher. Miss Tang is my English teacher. Miss Tang is my English teacher. She is tall and thin.She is tall and thin.She is tall and thin.She is tall and ***.Is Is Is Is she quiet? No, sheshe quiet? No, sheshe quiet? No, sheshe quiet? No, she’’’’s active. Shes active. Shes active. Shes active. She’’’’s strict, but shes strict, but shes strict, but shes strict, but she’’’’s very kinds very kinds very kinds very kind.唐老师是我的英语老师。



4、她严厉但是很和蔼 2 My Days of the My Days of the My Days of the My Days of the weekweekweekweek Today is Monday,We have math andToday is Monday,We have math andToday is Monday,We have math andToday is Monday,We have math and science.I watch TV ,read books and do science.I watch TV ,read books and do science.I watch TV ,read books and do science.I watch TV ,read books and do homework on Saturdays. homework on Saturdays. homework on Saturdays. homework on Saturdays. 今天星期一今天星期一今天星期一今天星期一。



7、 3 My Favourite FoodMy Favourite FoodMy Favourite FoodMy Favourite Food We have We have We have We have tomatoes, tofutomatoes, tofutomatoes, tofutomatoes, tofu and fish for lunch on and fish for lunch on and fish for lunch on and fish for lunch on Wednesdays. Wednesdays. Wednesdays. Wednesdays. MyMyMyMy favourite favourite favourite favourite fruitfruitfruitfruit is is is is apples, they’reapples, they’reapples, they’reapples, they’re sweet. Isweet. Isweet. Isweet. I don’t likedon’t likedon’t likedon’t like grapes. grapes. grapes. grapes. They’They’They’They’re ***.re ***.re ***.re sour.星期三我们星期三我们星期三我们星期三我们午饭吃西红柿豆腐和鱼午饭吃西红柿豆腐和鱼午饭吃西红柿豆腐和鱼午饭吃西红柿豆腐和鱼。




11、 4 I can help do houseworkI can help do houseworkI can help do houseworkI can help do housework I can water the flowers,I can water the flowers,I can water the flowers,I can water the flowers,I can I can I can I can empty the empty the empty the empty the trash and sweep the floor.trash and sweep the floor.trash and sweep the floor.trash and sweep the floor.What can you dou?Can you make the bed?What can you dou?Can you make the bed?What can you dou?Can you make the bed?What can you dou?Can you make the bed?我会浇花我回到我会浇花我回到我会浇花我回到我会浇花我回到垃圾扫地垃圾扫地垃圾扫地垃圾扫地。

12、你会干什吗你会干什吗你会干什吗你会干什吗????你会整理床铺吗你会整理床铺吗你会整理床铺吗你会整理床铺吗 5 My My My My househousehousehouse This is my house.There are There are There are There are two bedroomstwo bedroomstwo bedroomstwo bedrooms,a kitchen ,a bathroom and a living room.This is my bedroom.There is ,a kitchen ,a bathroom and a living room.This is my bedroom.There is ,a kitchen ,a bathroom and a living room.This is my bedroom.There is ,a kitchen ,a bathroom and a living room.This is my bedroom.There is a desk ,a bed and a closet.The closet is near the desk.Many clothes are in the a desk ,a bed and a closet.The closet is near the desk.Many clothes are in the a desk ,a bed and a closet.The closet is near the desk.Many clothes are in the a desk ,a bed and a closet.The closet is near the desk.Many clothes are in the closet.The trash bin is behind the door.closet.The trash bin is behind the door.closet.The trash bin is behind the door.closet.The trash bin is behind the door.有两个卧室一个厨房一个卫生间一个客厅有两个卧室一个厨房一个卫生间一个客厅有两个卧室一个厨房一个卫生间一个客厅有两个卧室一个厨房一个卫生间一个客厅。





17、垃圾桶在垃圾桶在垃圾桶在垃圾桶在门后门后门后门后 6 My My My My VillageVillageVillageVillage My village is very beautiful. There are many houses in the village. There is a river near the village. There is a bridge over the river.There There is a bridge over the river.There There is a bridge over the river.There There is a bridge over the river.There are many fish in the river .are many fish in the river .are many fish in the river .are many fish in the river . 有一座桥在河上。

18、在河里有许多鱼 I like my village. 小学英语五年级上册作文小学英语五年级上册作文小学英语五年级上册作文小学英语五年级上册作文 1 My English TeacherMy English TeacherMy English TeacherMy English Teacher Miss Tang is my English teacher. Miss Tang is my English teacher. Miss Tang is my English teacher. Miss Tang is my English teacher. She is tall and thin.She is tall and thin.She is tall and thin.She is tall and ***.Is Is Is Is she quiet? No, sheshe quiet? No, sheshe quiet? No, sheshe quiet? No, she’’’’s active. Shes active. Shes active. Shes active. She’’’’s strict, but shes strict, but shes strict, but shes strict, but she’’’’s very kinds very kinds very kinds very kind.唐老师是我的英语老师。



21、她严厉但是很和蔼 2 My Days of the My Days of the My Days of the My Days of the weekweekweekweek Today is Monday,We have math and science.I watch TV ,read books aToday is Monday,We have math and science.I watch TV ,read books aToday is Monday,We have math and science.I watch TV ,read books aToday is Monday,We have math and science.I watch TV ,read books and do nd do nd do nd do homework on Saturdays. homework on Saturdays. homework on Saturdays. homework on Saturdays. 今天星期一今天星期一今天星期一今天星期一。



24、 3 My Favourite FoodMy Favourite FoodMy Favourite FoodMy Favourite Food We have We have We have We have tomatoes, tofutomatoes, tofutomatoes, tofutomatoes, tofu and fish for lunch on and fish for lunch on and fish for lunch on and fish for lunch on Wednesdays. Wednesdays. Wednesdays. Wednesdays. MyMyMyMy favourite favourite favourite favourite fruitfruitfruitfruit is is is is apples, they’reapples, they’reapples, they’reapples, they’re sweet. Isweet. Isweet. Isweet. I don’t likedon’t likedon’t likedon’t like grapes. grapes. grapes. grapes. They’They’They’They’re ***.re ***.re ***.re sour.星期三我们午饭吃西红柿豆腐和鱼星期三我们午饭吃西红柿豆腐和鱼星期三我们午饭吃西红柿豆腐和鱼星期三我们午饭吃西红柿豆腐和鱼。




28、 4 I can help do houseworkI can help do houseworkI can help do houseworkI can help do housework I can water the flowers,I can water the flowers,I can water the flowers,I can water the flowers,I can I can I can I can empty the empty the empty the empty the trash and sweep the floor.trash and sweep the floor.trash and sweep the floor.trash and sweep the floor.What can you dou?Can you make the bed?What can you dou?Can you make the bed?What can you dou?Can you make the bed?What can you dou?Can you make the bed?我会浇花我回到我会浇花我回到我会浇花我回到我会浇花我回到垃圾扫地垃圾扫地垃圾扫地垃圾扫地。

29、你会干什吗你会干什吗你会干什吗你会干什吗????你会整理床铺吗你会整理床铺吗你会整理床铺吗你会整理床铺吗 5 My My My My househousehousehouse This is my house.There are There are There are There are two bedrooms,a kitchen ,a bathroom and a livitwo bedrooms,a kitchen ,a bathroom and a livitwo bedrooms,a kitchen ,a bathroom and a livitwo bedrooms,a kitchen ,a bathroom and a living room.This is my bedroom.There is ng room.This is my bedroom.There is ng room.This is my bedroom.There is ng room.This is my bedroom.There is a desk ,a bed and a closet.The closet is near the desk.Many clothes are in the a desk ,a bed and a closet.The closet is near the desk.Many clothes are in the a desk ,a bed and a closet.The closet is near the desk.Many clothes are in the a desk ,a bed and a closet.The closet is near the desk.Many clothes are in the closet.The trash bin is behind the door.closet.The trash bin is behind the door.closet.The trash bin is behind the door.closet.The trash bin is behind the door.有两个卧室一个厨房一个卫生间一个客厅有两个卧室一个厨房一个卫生间一个客厅有两个卧室一个厨房一个卫生间一个客厅有两个卧室一个厨房一个卫生间一个客厅。





34、垃圾桶在垃圾桶在垃圾桶在垃圾桶在门后门后门后门后 6 My VillageMy VillageMy VillageMy Village My village is very beautiful. There are many houses in the village. There is a river near the village. There is a bridge over the river.There There is a bridge over the river.There There is a bridge over the river.There There is a bridge over the river.There are many fish in the river .are many fish in the river .are many fish in the river .are many fish in the river . 有一座桥在河上。

35、在河里有许多鱼Near the river, you can see a mountain. Some flowers and grass are on the mountain. I like my village.。


