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导读 关于gameguardian官网,gameguard这个问题很多朋友还不知道,今天小六来为大家解答以上的问题,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、error (100)


1、error (100) 为该错误的代号,后面的解释既是该错误的翻译。


3、error (100)The game would not run, and Error code 100 is displayed. Computer is infected with virus. Please update the anti-virus to the latest and scan the PC. Even after scanning, if the error code 100 persists to appear, it might be undetectable virus. Please try with another anti-virus then (Each anti-virus application company offers free scanning.) 错误代码100-游戏没有起动有跳出 错误代码100如果出现这个问题,表示你的电脑已经中毒。



6、error (110) — GameMon is already running. Either close GameMon process or reboot and execute again. 错误代码110 GameMon已经在运行中。


8、error (114)It takes too long to load the game, and at last, displays Error code 114 and game is closed. 1. There could be a program that might be taking up too much CPU resource. Or, the video driver or sound driver might be out of date. Please scan for any virus and spy-ware, and update all drivers to the most recent versions. 2. The user might be running an anti-virus software that is too heavy for the particular system(Norton 2005, McAfee, VirusBuster, etc.) Please open the settings of the application, and disable any unnecessary features like internet monitoring, outlook monitoring, script monitoring. 错误代码114-花了很长时间来读取游戏,最后出现错误代码114而且关闭了游戏1.在你电脑中的一个正在运行程序消耗了大量的CPU资源。



11、2.玩家的电脑中运行的防毒系统的监控过渡(常见于Norton 2005, McAfee, VirusBuster, etc.) 。


13、error(112) — Failed to load modules for checking viruses and hacking tools. Possible causes are lack of memory and virus infection.错误代码112 无法读取检查病毒或者外挂的板块。


15、error (114) — Failed to initialize GameMon. Try rebooting or closing possible programs that can cause a collision.错误代码114 无法初始化GameMon。


17、error (115) — Game has been executed multiple times, or GameGuard is already running. Close the game and restart.错误代码115 游戏在同一台电脑上重复或者运行二个同版本的游戏,或者GameGuard已经在运行中。


19、error (124) — ***.des file does not exist or is modified. This can be resolved by installing GameGuard setup file.错误代码124 “***.des” 文档不存在或者被改造。

20、 重新安装GameGuard可以解决这个问题。

21、error (150) — Setup file for GameGuard does not exist or is corrupted. Download setup file for GameGuard and install at GameGuard folder.错误代码150 GameGuard的启动文档不存在或者被破坏。


23、error (153) — ***.des does not exist or is corrupted. Re-install of GameGuard setup file should solve this problem.错误代码153 “***.des”不存在或者被破坏。


25、error (155) — Windows system file is damaged. It is recommended to check virus, and reinstall Internet Explorer or ***.dll in the system folder according to Internet Explorer version.错误代码155 视窗系统文件被破坏。

26、建议你对你的电脑进行少读,和重新安装你的Internet Explorer 或者系统中的***.dll。

27、 error (170) — Failed to execute GameGuard process. Reinstall the GameGuard setup file and try running the game again.错误代码170 无法运行GameGuard。

28、 重新安装GameGuard然后重新起动游戏。

29、error (200) — An illegal program has been detected. Close unnecessary programs and try again.错误代码200 一个非法程序被发现。



