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导读 关于外文文献翻译软件,外文翻译这个问题很多朋友还不知道,今天小六来为大家解答以上的问题,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、Single particl


1、Single particle combustion observations 单颗粒燃烧观察 The combustion behaviour of rubber and coal particles in the two size ranges of this study (180-212and 75-90 #m) is presented in Figures 6-7. Combustion of ground tyres. Figure 6A and B depict photographic sequences from high-speed cinematography from the combustion of individual SBR tyre particles in the size ranges 180-212 and 75-90#m, respectively, burning in air at Tg = 1450 K. These shadow photography images were obtained with the long-distance microscope against a high-intensity (500W) halogen backlight. SBR tyre particles exhibited a stage of intense initial pyrolysis with associated large volatile flames (a few times the initial particle size). The formation of envelope flames that became elongated as the particles fell is evident. The brightest region in the flames appeared directly above the devolatilizing particles and was followed by a long wake. 图6-7呈现的是两种体积(180-212和75-90微米)的橡胶及煤颗粒的燃烧性能。






7、Upon burnout of the volatiles in this phase, a low intensity period followed, where further char heat-up and limited combustion might have taken place (the image of the char diameter was comparable to the initial particle size). This stage was immediately followed by a secondary devolatilization period (see Figure 6A-iii and 6B), with associated flames that were distinctly smaller than those encountered initially. These flames burned to extinction [unfortunately, the entire particle history could not be captured in all filmings (e.g. Figure 6A-I and A-ii) at this highest magnification]. 在这阶段挥发物被燃尽时,随之而来的是一段低强度期,此时半焦继续升温可能发生有限度燃烧(半焦直径的图像与原颗粒体积不相上下)。



10、From the frame sequences that capture the whole burntime (Figure 6.4-iii), it can be seen that, upon extinction of the primary volatile flames, the particles lit up in a small volatile flame mantle, evidently shedding loose particle fragments in the process. Such fragments were, most likely, created in the grinding process, as is apparent in Figure lc, and they burned in the vicinity of the main particle. Upon extinction of the secondary flame, little if any, carbon black residue was detected in these backlit frame sequences.根据摄像帧间序列所记录的整个燃烧时间(图6.4-iii),可以看到当第一挥发火焰熄灭时,颗粒燃起一个小挥发火焰光轮,过程中明显地将松散的颗粒碎片脱离。

11、犹如图1c 所示,这些碎片很可能是在磨碎过程时产生,在主颗粒附近燃烧。


13、This simultaneous burning of the carbon black residue within the secondary volatile flame is in agreement with the TGA results discussed earlier. Such an observation could be significant for practical applications, since it shows that combustion of the carbon black content of tyres may be aided by burning of residual volatile pyrolysates if the grind size is small. Unlike combustion of polystyrene particles , no unburned soot was detected upon extinction.炭黑残留在第二挥发火焰同时燃烧的这种迹象与较早的热重试验结果相符合。




