1、8的英语是:eight,音标是[eit]双语例句:1We average 8 hours (work) a day. 我们每天平均工作8小时。
2、2、My father left smoking for 8 years. 我父亲戒烟有8年了。
3、3、He rowed No.8 in the Cambridge crew. 他是剑桥大学划船队的8号划手。
4、4、In the football game we won by 8 points to 3. 我队以8比3赢了那场足球赛。
5、5、So we have to resort to triggers as in Listing 8. 所以我们必须像清单8 那样借助于触发器。
6、6、What you should do: Do a tempo run once a week for 8 weeks. 你应该做的是:一个星期跑一次节奏长跑,坚持8个星期。
7、7、My family and I have lived in Shenzhen for 8 years now, we are citizens. 到现在为止,我和我的家人已经在深圳住了8年,我们是市民。
8、8、At this point your canvas should look similar to Figure 8. 在这点上,您的画布看上去应该类似于图8。
9、9、Then select to hide all of the relationships except association relationships, as Figure 8 shows.然后选择隐藏除了关联关系以外的所有关系,如图8所示。
10、10、You should see results similar to those in Listing 8. 您应当会看到类似清单8 所示的结果。
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