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导读 关于二年级语文课外阅读练习题及答案,阅读练习题及答案这个问题很多朋友还不知道,今天小六来为大家解答以上的问题,现在让我们一起来看看


1、你是想要一篇阅读题吗?还是???Many years ago, in a small town, there lived a doctor .He was good and kind .At any time of day and night ,he was always ready to go and help sick(有病的) people. Everyone in the town liked him and people always went to him when there was anything wrong with them. But many years passed and the doctor became old. He began to lose his memory (失去记忆). This made him do foolish things sometimes. When people noticed(注意到) this, they did not go to him anymore. “He may give us the wrong medicine,” they said and they were afraid. “Why does no one come to me now?” he wondered. But no one wanted to tell him because they did not want to hurt the good old man, so they said, “ You have cured(治愈)all the sick people in the town. There is no one sick now.” The doctor was pleased when he heard that and he went away happily.36. The doctor lived _______. A. in a city B. in a village C. in a holiday D. in a town37. People didn’t go to the doctor anymore because _______.A. he might give them the wrong medicine.B. he didn’t want to see them.C. they were afraid of him.D. he didn’t want to cure them.38. When the doctor heard what people said, he ____________.A. was worried B. was pleasedC. was surprised(惊奇) D. was sorry39. The doctor ____________________________________. A. was not kind to the sick peopleB. believed(相信)what the people told himC. always gave the wrong medicineD. was quite foolish40. Why didn’t people tell the truth(事实) to the doctor ?A. Because they didn’t need to tell him the truthB. Because the doctor didn’t like to listen to themC. Because they didn’t want to hurt(伤害)the old doctorD. Because they were angry with the doctor。


