英语动词不定式短语整理(关于英语动词不定式) 踩单车足球过人教学(踩单车) 如何快速发表论文(如何快速发表论文的网站) LOL怎么打好排位赛(lol怎么能打排位赛) 关于勤奋的感悟300字(关于勤奋的感悟) 新鲜的螃蟹怎么冷冻?怎么保存?(新鲜的螃蟹怎么冷冻?怎么保存不会坏) 怎样为安卓手机更换字体(怎样为安卓手机更换字体颜色) 暄的拼音是什么(暄嚣拼音和解释是什么) 怎么进行大量的图书批发(怎么进行大量的图书批发卖书) 亚斯特尼西雅物语2攻略(亚斯特尼西雅物语2完整攻略) 风雨彩虹铿锵玫瑰歌词(风雨彩虹铿锵玫瑰原唱) 怎么查看YY频道的人气(yy我的关注人气在哪里查看) 刺龙苞怎么吃(刺龙苞吃法) 如何查看自己的电脑配置?(如何查看自己的电脑配置信息) 快速加法运算的几种方法 一(加法快速计算法) 大茶杯奶茶店(大茶杯) 老爷机也能root 天语W660 root教程分享 QQ账号暂时无法登录怎么办(QQ账号无法登录怎么回事) 五月份有哪些节日?(五月份有哪些节日英语) wow神圣之尘在哪里换(魔兽神圣之尘怎么获得) 清朝兵部尚书是什么级别(清朝几个兵部尚书) 植物大战僵尸2充能柚子怎么获得(植物大战僵尸如何获得充能柚子) 和平精英全军出击10Q币直充礼包怎样免费领取(和平精英怎么领首充礼包) 天蝎座和什么星座最配(天蝎座) 颈椎病引起的头晕恶心怎么办?(高中生颈椎病引起的头晕恶心怎么办) 圣剑世界情之剑在哪里(我的圣剑在哪里) 键盘右上角的三个灯是什么(键盘右上角第三个灯有什么用) 跑跑卡丁车挑战者模式(跑跑卡丁车挑战者模式39关) 出入境攻略(出入境攻略大全) 结婚婚纱定制(结婚婚纱) 骨感是什么意思(骨感) 顺位器安装方法(顺位器安装方法视频) 怎样抢购小米10?(怎样抢购小米平板) 豌豆荚刷机官方下载(豌豆荚刷机大师) 天下手游太虚怎么加点(天下手游太虚怎么加点技能) 在家做酸辣粉教程(在家做酸辣粉教程窍门) My love田馥甄 吉他(my love田馥甄) 腾讯视频怎么共享会员(手机腾讯视频怎么共享会员) 梦幻西游人物加点方法(梦幻西游人物加点方法攻略) 龙王传说之死神传说(穿越龙王传说之死神) Formail邮件的创建邮件归类规则(邮件分类规则) 英雄联盟终极魔典熔岩巨兽玩法攻略(英雄联盟,熔岩巨兽) 赵薇被封杀原因(赵薇为什么被封杀) 《植物大战僵尸》的商店物品资料介绍(《植物大战僵尸》的商店物品资料介绍视频) 被折磨者的血液怎么刷(被折磨者的血液) 买断制游戏是什么意思(买断是什么意思) 简单易学的剪纸雪花(简单易学的剪纸雪花图片) 怎样对360浏览器的主页进行设置(怎样对360浏览器的主页进行设置关闭) 孙权劝学鲁肃的特点(鲁肃性格特点) 如何选购假发(如何选购假发?假发什么牌子好)
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导读 关于英语动词不定式短语整理,关于英语动词不定式这个问题很多朋友还不知道,今天小六来为大家解答以上的问题,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1...


1、一、不定式的基本形式: to+动词原形,有时可以省略to. 二、 动词不定式的特点: (1)没有人称和数的变化,在句子中不能作谓语. (2)动词不定式仍保留动词的特点,可以有自己的宾语和状语.动词不定式同它的宾语或状语可构成动词不定式短语.如: to read a book; to sing at the party. (3)动词不定式具有名词、形容词和副词的特征,因此,在句中可以作主语、表语、宾语、宾语补足语、定语和状语. 三、动词不定式作宾语.即不定式直接跟在谓语动词后,是谓语动词涉及的直接对象.如果没有这个不定式,这个句子的意思就让人难以理解. 能直接带不定式作宾语的及物动词主要有: want, like , love , need , try , ask , learn , begin , start , forget , remember, hope , wish , agree, choose , fail , refuse , decide , afford , offer , make sure , take turns , would like , plan , hate , try one’s best 等. 四、动词不定式作宾语补足语. 能用动词不定式作宾语补足语的动词有: ask , tell , get , order , would like , want , teach , show , allow , encourage , warn , wish , invite ,help等. 五、动词不定式作状语: 即不定式直接跟在谓语动词后,仅对谓语动词起一个补充说明的作用.如果没有它,句子仍然意思完整,它不象作宾语那样,与谓语动词有着密切的关系.(1)表示目的: The doctor came to operate on her. He has gone to town to do some shopping. I sat down to have a rest. He stopped to have a look. He rushed into the room to save the girl. The moved away the stone to let the traffic go. He got up to catch the train. (2)表示结果: The girl cried only to make her mother angry. (3)表示程度: She is too tired to walk any farther. She is strong enough to carry the heavy box. (4)表示原因: I was surprised to read the news. 能带不定式作状语的形容词有: glad , happy , pleased , angry , clever , careful , surprised , lucky ,ready ,sorry, amazed , afraid ,sad , unhappy , sure , free ,kind, nice , worried , easy , hard 六、不定式作定语: 动词不定式作定语,一般要放在被修饰词的后面,不定式与所修饰的词构成动宾关系. We have lots of work to do. Would you like something to drink? I want to get something to read during my holiday. That’s a difficult question to answer. 【注意】如果动词不定式是不及物动词,后面就应有必要的介词. 如: He is looking for a room to live in. Give me a piece of paper to write on. He has nothing to worry about. There is not enough space to stand in on the earth.. She is a nice person to work with. a place to go to. 七、动词不定式作主语: 如 To learn a foreign language is not easy. 在现代英语中,常用it来作形式主语,而把真正的动词不定式主语放在后面.即句型: “It is+形容词+for ( of) sb. to do sth.”中,当形容词是kind ,nice 。

2、 good , clever , careful 。

3、 careless , right , wrong , foolish 等表示人的性格特征时, 用of ; 如果形容词为difficult , easy , hard, important ,interesting, possible ,necessary 等表示事物的特征时, 用for. It is necessary / important / easy / hard/ possible for us to learn English well. It is very kind /nice / good of you to help me with my English. ※ 在句型: 主语+find / think / feel / make +it +形容词+ to do sth.中,it为形式宾语. I found it very important to learn English well. I think it easy to learn English well. 八、作表语: My job is to teach English. His wish is to become a scientist. 九、动词不定式和疑问词连用.动词不定式可以和疑问词what, which , how , when , where ,who 等连用,构成不定式短语,在句子中作主语、宾语、表语等成分.这时往往可以扩写成宾语从句; The question is how to use the computer. I don’t know where to go for my holiday =I don’t know where I can go for my holiday. He can’t decide which book to choose.= He can’t decide which book he can choose. I don’t know what I should do next=I don’t know what to do next. 十、动词不定式的否定形式: not to+动词原形 Tell him not to be late. I will try not to read in bed. 十一、动词不定式省略to的场合:(1)作动词let, make , have, feel ,hear, see , watch , notice 等的宾语补足语时,动词不定式不带to. Let him do the work. He made me work day and night. I saw him fall off the bike. (2)作动词help的宾语补足语时,动词不定式可带to,也可不带to. He didn’t help me(to)mend the bike. You have helped ( to ) protect our environment. (3)在助动词和一些情态动词如will , would , shall , should , can , could , may , might , must , do , does , did , didn’t , don’t , doesn’t 等的后面,用动词原形,即动词不定式不带to. Will you help me? He doesn’t live here. It might rain . You must finish your homework on time. (4)在why not…? , had better , would rather 等的后面也跟不带to的动词不定式.(原形) Why not buy a dictionary? You had better (not)stay at home. I would rather go early. (5)在第二个不定式前一般不带to. I would like to lie down and go to sleep. Do you want to eat now or wait till later? ※ 在下列答语中, to不能省略: -Will you join me in a walk?-I will be glad to. -Will you go swimming with me this afternoon?-I would love to. -Used he work in the factory?-Yes , he used to . Exercises: 1. We must find a person (做这项工作) 2. In my family, my mother is always the first one (起床) 3. Do you have (什么问题要问)? 4. There are (许多重要事情要谈) 5. This book is (不容易理解) 6.He was too excited (说不出话来) 7. Do you think him easy (容易相处)? 8. You must get him (今晚顺便到这儿来) 9. It was not good (早晨起床晚) 10. It was a mistake (没有帮他学英语) 11. Her wish is (成为一名大学生) 12.What worries me is (在会上演说些什么) 13. It is our duty (保护家园) 14. I opened the door (让新鲜空气进来)。


