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导读 关于英语试卷五年级下册期末,英语试卷五年级下册这个问题很多朋友还不知道,今天小六来为大家解答以上的问题,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1



2、(10分)M_y J__n__ d__t__ r__ __d m__m St__dy l__st__n r__n wr__t__ gr__ndp___II.选择填空。

3、(20分)( )1.What’s the date ? It’s -------.A .February 29th B August 29th C. July 1st ( )2.My birthday is on ---------. A New Year’s Day B Children’s Day C Teacher’s Day ( )3. Let’s draw ________.A tree B horse C a birthday card ( )4.Kate ___playing chess .A am B is C are ( )5. Are you washing clothes ? _______ .A Yes ,you are . B . Yes , I am . C .No ,I am( )6. _____ are you ? I’m here .A What B Where C Who ( )7. _____ do you do on the weekend ?A What B When C Who ( )8. _____ season do you like best ?A Which B Where C What ( )9. Is he ____ TV ? Yes he is .A watch B watching C not ( )10. _____ they taking pictures ? Yes ,they are .A Am B Be C Are III.连词成句。

4、(10分)(1) do, when, you, do, exercises, morning ________________________________?(2) do, why, winter, you, like_________________________________?(3) Dad, an, writing , is, e-mail_________________________________.(4) you, can, see, the, monkey_________________________________?(5) are, insects , they, counting,__________________________________.IV.连线题(12分)A National Day 1 It’s January 1st B Women’s Day 2. It’s September 10th C Army Day 3. It’s August 1stD Children’s Day 4. It’s October 1st E Teacher’s Day 5. It’s March 8thF New Year’s Day 6. It’s June 1st V.用所给词完成下列对话。

5、(20分)Tom , cold, from, sunny and warm, fall, children, friend, weather, in, hot and sunny Teacher:Hello,1 . We have a new 2 .This is 3 .Children:Hello,Tom. Tom:Hi!Sarah:Where are you 4 ,Tom?Tom: I’m from Austrsalia.Sarah:What’s the 5 like 6 spring in Australia?Tom:It’s 7 .Sometimes it’s windy.Amy: What’s the weather like in summer in Australia ?Tom: It’s 8 Mike : What’s the weather like in 9 in Australia ?Tom: Well, it’s windy and cool.Zhang Peng: Is it warm in winter in Australia ?Tom: No ,it’s 10 .VI.读短文,选择正确答案。

6、(10分)Jack and his mother are sitting at the table ,They are having lunch .“I don’t like this soup .I don’t want to eat it .”says Jack and he puts down the spoon .“All right”.Says his mother .“Don’t eat it .”After lunch Jack and his mother work in the field .They work so hard .In the evening ,Jack’s mother gives him a bowl of soup .“Oh,this soup is delicious.”Says Jack..“It is the same soup .”Says his mother .( )1.Where are Jack and his mother sitting ? ______________A In the room B At the table C On the desk D Under the tree( )2.What are they doing ?They’re __________.A having lunch B watching TV C reading English D talking ( )3.Does Jack like this soup ?______________________-A Yes,he does . B No,he doesn’t C He likes the soup D He doesn’t like it ( )4._________Jack and his mother in the field .A In the morning B After class C Before lunch D After lunch( )5. In the evening ,Jack’s mother gives him __________.A another bowl of soup B the same cake C the same bowl of soup D another cake VII.下面是Sandy’s day ,把它填好,并写成小短文。

7、(18分)Sandy’s day( ) 6:40 a.m.eat breakfast ( )do morning exercises ( )classes begin 8:00 a.m.( ) 11:40 a.m.( ) 4:00 p.m.eat dinner ( )( ) 8:30 p.m.Hello, my name is Sandy.__________________________________________________________________I go to bed at 8:30 p.m.选我吧没问题。



