霁彩华年,因梦同行—— 庆祝深圳霁因生物医药转化研究院成立十周年 情绪益生菌PS128助力孤独症治疗,权威研究显示可显著改善孤独症症状 PARP抑制剂氟唑帕利助力患者从维持治疗中获益,改写晚期卵巢癌治疗格局 新东方智慧教育发布“东方创科人工智能开发板2.0” 精准血型 守护生命 肠道超声可用于检测儿童炎症性肠病 迷走神经刺激对抑郁症有积极治疗作用 探索梅尼埃病中 MRI 描述符的性能和最佳组合 自闭症患者中痴呆症的患病率增加 超声波 3D 打印辅助神经源性膀胱的骶神经调节 胃食管反流病患者耳鸣风险增加 间质性膀胱炎和膀胱疼痛综合征的临床表现不同 研究表明 多语言能力可提高自闭症儿童的认知能力 科学家揭示人类与小鼠在主要癌症免疫治疗靶点上的惊人差异 利用正确的成像标准改善对脑癌结果的预测 地中海饮食通过肠道细菌变化改善记忆力 让你在 2025 年更健康的 7 种惊人方法 为什么有些人的头发和指甲比其他人长得快 物质的使用会改变大脑的结构吗 饮酒如何影响你的健康 20个月,3大平台,300倍!元育生物以全左旋虾青素引领合成生物新纪元 从技术困局到创新锚点,天与带来了一场属于养老的“情绪共振” “华润系”大动作落槌!昆药集团完成收购华润圣火 十七载“冬至滋补节”,东阿阿胶将品牌营销推向新高峰 150个国家承认巴勒斯坦国意味着什么 中国海警对非法闯仁爱礁海域菲船只采取管制措施 国家四级救灾应急响应启动 涉及福建、广东 女生查分查出608分后,上演取得理想成绩“三件套” 多吃红色的樱桃能补铁、补血? 中国代表三次回击美方攻击指责 探索精神健康前沿|情绪益生菌PS128闪耀宁波医学盛会,彰显科研实力 圣美生物:以科技之光,引领肺癌早筛早诊新时代 神经干细胞移植有望治疗慢性脊髓损伤 一种简单的血浆生物标志物可以预测患有肥胖症青少年的肝纤维化 婴儿的心跳可能是他们说出第一句话的关键 研究发现基因检测正成为主流 血液测试显示心脏存在排斥风险 无需提供组织样本 假体材料有助于减少静脉导管感染 研究发现团队运动对孩子的大脑有很大帮助 研究人员开发出诊断 治疗心肌炎的决策途径 两项研究评估了医疗保健领域人工智能工具的发展 利用女子篮球队探索足部生物力学 抑制前列腺癌细胞:雄激素受体可以改变前列腺的正常生长 肽抗原上的反应性半胱氨酸可能开启新的癌症免疫治疗可能性 研究人员发现新基因疗法可以缓解慢性疼痛 研究人员揭示 tisa-cel 疗法治疗复发或难治性 B 细胞淋巴瘤的风险 适量饮酒可降低高危人群罹患严重心血管疾病的风险 STIF科创节揭晓奖项,新东方智慧教育荣膺双料殊荣 中科美菱发布2025年产品战略布局!技术方向支撑产品生态纵深! 从雪域高原到用户口碑 —— 复方塞隆胶囊的品质之旅
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1、The Story of the Three Little Pigs  旁白:There was an old mother with three little pigs, and as she had not enough to keep them, she sent them out to seek their fortune.  妈妈:Goodbye,kids!build your own house,but be careful of the wolf.  三只小猪:goodbye,mum.  旁白:three pigs leaved their mother.after a while they met a man with a bundle of straw.  Pig one: “Please, grandpa, give me that straw to build me a house."  稻草爷爷:the house will be beautiful,but it easy to be broken down by wind.  Pig one:never mind.only for live.  稻草爷爷:it’s ***.here you are.  旁白:Which the man did, and the little pig built a house with it.then he went into his house,said happily.  Pig one:haha!now the wolf can’t catch me and eat me.  旁白:pig one falled asleep in his house.then pig two met a man with a bundle of sticks.  Pig two: "Please, man, give me that sticks to build a house."  旁白: Which the man did, and the pig built his house.pig three knew the house is not strong,but it is easy to do.so he lived in the house.pig three keep going.The third little pig met a man with a load of bricks.  Pig three:"Please, man, give me those bricks to build a house with."  旁白:So the man gave him the bricks, and he built his beautiful house with them.  Pig three:ok!my house is so hard.i mustn’t scare of the wolf.  旁白:Presently came along a wolf, he knocked at the pigone’s door.  狼: "Little pig, little pig, let me come in."  pigone answered: "No, no, go away."  The wolf: "Then I"ll huff, and I"ll puff, and I"ll blow your house in."  旁白:So he huffed, and he puffed, and he blew his house in。

2、 pig one is scared,fortunetely he run away to the pig two’s house.  Pig one:I’m regretful that I didn’t listen to the grandpa.  旁白:Then along came the wolf。

3、He is shouting.  Wolf: "Little pig, little pig, let me come in."  Pig one and two:"No, no, go away."  Wolf:"it’s very easy.sticks is not strong.Then I"ll puff, and I"ll huff, and I"ll blow your house in."  旁白:So he huffed, and he puffed, and he puffed, and he huffed, and at last he blew the house down, luckily the little two pigs run away to pig three’s house.they are scared,but pig three seemed not to be afraid.  旁白:the wolf came, as he did to the other little pigs。

4、  Wolf:Little pig, little pig, open the door."  Threepigs:"No, no, you are the wolf.go away"  Wolf:"Then I"ll huff, and I"ll puff, and I"ll blow your house in."  旁白:Well, he huffed, and he puffed, and he huffed and he puffed, and he puffed and huffed; but he could not get the house down. When he found that he could not, with all his huffing and puffing, blow the house down。

5、  Wolf: "Little pig, I know where there is a nice field of turnips."  Three pigs:"Where?"  Wolf:"Oh, in Mr. Smith"s home field, and if you will be ready tomorrow morning I will call for you, and we will go together and get some for dinner."  Three pigs:"Very well,I will be ready. What time do you mean to go?"  Wolf:"Oh, at six o"clock."  旁白:Well, the little pig got up at five, and got the turnips before the wolf came。

6、At 6 o’clock,the wolf came.  Wolf: "Little pig, are you ready?"  The little pig said, "Ready! I have been and come back again, and got a nice potful for dinner."  旁白:Then the wolf was very angry indeed, and declared he would eat up the little pig。

7、  Wolf:you three little pigs. I wanna eat you.i will get down your chimney,and eat you.  旁白:When the little pigs saw what he was about, they hung on the pot full of water, and made up a blazing fire, and, just as the wolf was coming down, took off the cover, and in fell the wolf; so the little pig put on the cover again in an instant. The wolf died, they lived happily ever afterwards.  Three pigs:sing a song.三只小猪的故事猪妈妈生了三只可爱的小猪,三只小猪彼此友爱,一家人一直过著幸福快乐的日子。




11、 有一天,老大和老二出门去玩耍,结果在路途中遇到了大野狼,大野狼一看到二只小猪就说:「啊!我是大野狼,二只小猪看起来好像很好吃的样子喔!」」老大和老二一见到大野狼,马上赶紧跑回自己的家中躲起来,不过,它们并不知道大野狼也硍在它们的后面,找到三只小猪住的地方了。





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