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导读 关于简单的英语对话两人十句,简单的英语对话这个问题很多朋友还不知道,今天小六来为大家解答以上的问题,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、一


1、一:购物 A: What can I do for you ? B: I want to buy a skirt for my daughter. A: How old is your daughter ? B: She is twelve years old. A: This way, please. What kind of skirt do you want ? B: I’d like this one. A: What colour do you like ? B: Green. A: What about this one ? B: This green is too dark. Have you got any other colours ? A: Sorry, we haven’t. We have just sold them out. B: Well, let me look at the dress. A: Who is it for ? B: It’s for myself. A: This kind of dress is very nice and cheap. What size do you want ? B: Size M. Can I try it on, please ? A: Certainly. Here you are. B: What’s it made of ? A: It’s made of silk. B: How much does it cost ? A: One hundred and ninety-eight. B: That’s too expensive. Can it be cheaper ? A: Well, how about one hundred and ninety yuan. B: No, it’s still expensive. What about one hundred and fifty ? A: Er…all right. Please take it. 二 看病 A: Hello, what’s wrong with you? B: I’ve got a headache and a bad cough. A: Have you taken your temperature? B: Yes. I have a fever. A: Have you had anything /your breakfast? B: No. I don’t feel liking eating. A: Do you sleep well? B: Yes, I just want to sleep. A: How long have you been like this?/What did it start? B: Ever since last night./Last night. A: Let me look over you. Open your mouth and say “Ah…” B: Is it serious? A: No. Nothing serious. You’ve just had a bad cold. Take the medicine three times a day, and have a test. You ‘ll be better soon. B: Thank you. 三 问路 A: Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the post office? B: Sorry. I’m a stranger here. You may ask the police-man over there. A: Thank you all the same. A: Excuse me. Which is the way to the post office? C: Go along this road. Take the 2nd turning on the right. Cross the bridge. Then walk along the river. The post office is just on your right hand. A: Is it far from here? C: No, it isn’t far. It’s about 20 minutes’ walk. You can take the No.3 bus. A: Where is the bus stop? C: It’s over there on the other side of the road. A: Thank you. C: You’re welcome. 四 打电话 A: Hello,27894218. B: Hello, may I speak to Lucy? A: Hold on for a moment. Sorry, Lucy isn’t in at the moment. B: Is that Mrs Green speaking? A: No. This is Lily speaking. B: Hi. Lily. When will Lucy be back? A: She won’t be back until 5:00 p.m. Can I take a message? B: Thank you. This is Allen. Would you ask her to call me this evening? A: Hi, Allen. What’s your telephone number? B: My telephone number is 3658974. A: OK! I’ll give it to her. B: Thank you. Goodbye. A: Bye. 五 请求 A: May I come in. B: Come in, please. A: Excuse me! May I have a piece of paper, please? B: Certainly. Take this piece. A: Thank you. But it is too small. Do you have a bigger piece, please? B: Yes, I do. Mm, let me see. Oh, it is in Mary’s desk. I’ll get it for you. Here you are. A: Thank you very much.A: How much is this clothes? 这件衣服多少钱? B: It costs $125. 125美元。

2、 A: That’s unreasonable! I’d take it for $100. How about$ 100? 这真是卖得太贵了!如果一百块我就买。

3、一百块钱如何? B: Sorry, but you can take it by $110. 要110美元。

4、 A:Well, I’ll take it. 好的,我就买一件吧。

5、 以下是一些关于讨价还价的句子,供参考。

6、 直接杀价: That‘s unreasonable! I‘d take it for (100�0�6.) 这真是卖得太贵了!如果(一百块)我就买。

7、 How about (100�0�6)? 卖(一百块钱)如何? I‘d buy this if it were cheaper. 再便宜一点我就买。

8、 拐弯抹角地杀: Lower the price, and I‘ll consider it. 价钱低一点我才会考虑。

9、 It‘s a little overpriced. 这标价有点贵。

10、 I like everything about it except the price. 这东西除了价钱之外我都喜欢。

11、 If I buy more than one, will you give me a discount? 多买一点有折扣吗?呵呵~~希望对你有用。


