1、歌词:太阳像那大红花在那东方天边挂圆圆脸儿害羞像红霞只是笑不说话The sun is like that big red flowerHanging at the edge of the eastern skyThe round little face blushing like rougeSmiling wordlessly太阳像个大南瓜在那高高天空挂照得满山欢乐融融草儿发嫩芽The sun is like a big pumpkinHanging high up in the skyShining so that the whole mountain is soaked with happinessNew shoots of grass spring up大嘴巴 笑哈哈落了也要往上爬敬它 爱它我把心儿交给它Opening the mouth wide and laughingEven after it falls it crawls back upRespect it, treasure itI entrust it with my heart太阳倦了便回家夜裏有些少惊怕明晨月儿落旭日重来依旧往上爬When the sun is tired it returns homeIn the night there is a little bit of fearCome the next dawn, the moon falls and the sun reappearsCrawling upwards like always2、《小太阳》是一首由黄沾作词。
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