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导读 关于人教版五年级英语练习,人教版五年级上册英语练习题这个问题很多朋友还不知道,今天小六来为大家解答以上的问题,现在让我们一起来看看



2、( ) 1. A. eight B. late C. right D. bright ( ) 2. A. flat B. fat C. fate D. flag ( ) 3. A. too B. took C. tutor D. two ( ) 4. A. begin B. began C. begun D. big ( ) 5. A. pair B. bear C. per D. spare ( ) 6. A. here B. hare C. half D. hair ( ) 7. A. tall B. talk C. wall D. walk ( ) 8. A. sail B. stay C. star D. seal ( ) 9. A. buy B. bye C. by D. bike ( ) 10. A. little B. letter C. litter D. later二、听对话,选择合适的答语。

3、( ) 1. A. Mary is reading a book. B. Mary is cleaning her bedroom. C. Mary is doing her homework. ( ) 2. A. I’m afraid I can’t. B. I’m glad to see you. C. I’m very happy. ( ) 3. A. This is Tom speaking. Who’s that? B. I’m Tom. Who’s that? C. This is Tom, who are you? ( ) 4. A. I am at home. B. I was at home.C. I watched TV yesterday morning. ( ) 5. A. Yes, he does. B. Yes, he is. C. Yes, he did. 三、听短文,选择正确答案。

4、( )1. I have no legs but a long tail. I look like a __________. A. insect B. parent C. fish D. frog ( )2. I’m going to live on the __________. A. land B. water C. river D. home ( )3. I was born in a ________. A. land B. river C. home D. water( )4. I am __________. A. your brother B. a frog C. an insect D. a fish 笔试部分一、写出下列单词的反义词。

5、1. get on ________ 2. turn left _________ 3. after ___________4. bad ________ 5. far ___________ 6. sit ___________7. here _________ 8. down __________ 9. long ___________10. fat _________ 11. early __________ 12. go ___________ 二、选词填空。

6、1. ___________ (Sorry, Yes, Sure), I can’t. I have to go to school.2. ___________ (Will, Do, Would) you like to play football with us?3. Let’s meet ___________(on, in, at) front of the museum.4. They usually _________(had, has, have) supper at six o’clock, but yesterday they ___________(had, has, have) supper at eight o’clock.5. Did Lily ___________(watched, watch, match) TV last night? 三、选出与第一个词同类的词。

7、( ) 1. tea A. pencil B. window C. coffee ( ) 2. second A. sixth B. sixC. one ( ) 3. tree A. tiger B. flower C. rabbit ( ) 4. radio A. cup B. bowl C. computer ( ) 5. Chinese A. England B. English C. America四、选择填空。

8、( )1. _____________your mouth and say “AH”.A. Turn on B. Open C. Close ( )2. He looks sad, what’s _________with _____________?A. matter, him B. wrong, him C. wrong, he ( )3. Kate is ill and she’s in bed. She’s got _____.A. flu B. a flu C. the flu ( )4. I’ve got ________ “A” in the test. A. an B. a C. / ( )5. Where can I __________my bike?A. put B. parking C. park ( )6. Last Sunday I __________basketball with my parents.A. play B. will play C. played D. am playing ( )7. What does it _________like?A. look B. looks C. looking D. looked ( )8. We went to the cinema _____________evening.A. last B. yesterday C. next D. today’s ( )9. Tom always __________TV at home.A. watch B. watching C. watches D. watched ( )10. We’re going to __________a party this weekend.A. have B. give C. take 五、阅读理解。

9、Mrs. Brown was an old woman. She lived on a small farm. One day she went to the post office near her small farm. She wanted to write a letter to one of her friends. But she could not read and write, so she asked a young man to help her. “Yes, of course!” the young man said. He took up his pen and began to write as Mrs. Brown was talking. In about fifteen minutes, they finished the letter. “Are there any things you want to say, Madam?” asked the young man. “Oh, yes, please write down one more sentence on the paper, saying sorry for the poor(糟糕的) handwriting.” ( )1. Mrs. Brown lived __________.A. in a city B. in a town C. on a farm D. in a post office ( )2. She went into the post office _____________. A. to write a letter to her friend B. to buy a stampC. to learn to read and write D. to talk with a young man ( )3. It took the young man _____________ to write the letter.A. one minute B. ten minutes C. half and hour D. fifteen minutes ( )4. Mrs. Brown thought the man’s handwriting was _______.A. good B. bad C. true D. so so 【试题答案】 听力部分一、选择你听到的单词。

10、 ( B ) 1. ( D ) 2. ( D ) 3. ( A )4. ( D )5.( C ) 6. ( C ) 7. ( B ) 8. ( A ) 9. ( C ) 10. 二、听对话,选择合适的答语。

11、( C ) 1. ( A ) 2. ( A ) 3. ( B ) 4. ( C ) 5. 三、听短文,选择正确答案。

12、( C )1. I have no legs but a long tail. I look like a __________. A. insect B. parent C. fish D. frog ( A )2. I’m going to live on the __________. A. land B. water C. river D. home ( B )3. I was born in a ________. A. land B. river C. home D. water( B )4. I am __________. A. your brother B. a frog C. an insect D. a fish 笔试部分 一、写出下列单词的反义词。

13、1. get on get off 2. turn left turn right 3. after before 4. bad good 5. far near 6. sit stand 7. here there 8. down up 9. long short10. fat thin 11. early late 12. go come 二、选词填空。

14、1. Sorry (Sorry, Yes, Sure), I can’t. I have to go to school.2. Would (Will, Do, Would) you like to play football with us?3. Let’s meet in(on, in, at) front of the museum.4. They usually have(had, has, have) supper at six o’clock, but yesterday they had (had, has, have) supper at eight o’clock.5. Did Lily watch(watched, watch, match) TV last night? 三、选出与第一个词同类的词。

15、( C ) 1. tea A. pencil B. window C. coffee ( A ) 2. second A. sixth B. six C. one ( B ) 3. tree A. tiger B. flower C. rabbit ( C ) 4. radio A. cup B. bowl C. computer ( B ) 5. Chinese A. England B. English C. America四、选择填空。

16、( B )1. _____your mouth and say “AH”. A. Turn on B. Open C. Close ( B )2. He looks sad, what’s _________with _____________?A. matter, him B. wrong, him C. wrong, he ( C )3. Kate is ill and she’s in bed. She’s got ____. A. flu B. a flu C. the flu( A )4. I’ve got ________ “A” in the test. A. an B. a C. / ( A )5. Where can I __________my bike? A. put B. parking C. park ( C )6. Last Sunday I __________basketball with my parents.A. play B. will play C. played D. am playing ( A )7. What does it _________like? A. look B. looks C. looking D. looked( B )8. We went to the cinema ____evening. A. last B. yesterday C. next D. today’s ( C )9. Tom always ____TV at home. A. watch B. watching C. watches D. watched ( A )10. We’re going to ______a party this weekend. A. have B. give C. take 五、阅读理解。

17、( C )1. Mrs. Brown lived __________.A. in a city B. in a town C. on a farm D. in a post office( A )2. She went into the post office _____________. A. to write a letter to her friend B. to buy a stampC. to learn to read and write D. to talk with a young man( D )3. It took the young man _____________ to write the letter.A. one minute B. ten minutes C. half and hour D. fifteen minutes ( B )4. Mrs. Brown thought the man’s handwriting was _______.A. good B. bad C. true D. so so 听力原文: 一、选择你听到的单词。

18、1. Don’t be late next time.2. Our national flag is red.3. I have two rabbits. 4. Hello, boys and girls. Let’s begin our class.5. What do you do in your spare time?6. It’s half past six now. It’s time for supper.7. We’re going to the Great Wall tomorrow.8. Stay at home and have a good rest.9. I’ll buy a gift for my father’s birthday.10. Don’t litter the floor, please. 二、听对话,选择合适的答语。

19、1. What is Mary doing now? She is in her bedroom. She is doing her homework.2. Will you join us?3. May I speak to Tom?4. Where were you yesterday evening?5. Did Tom get up early this morning? 三、听短文,选择正确答案。

20、I was born in a small river. When I am young, the river is my home. I don’t know my parents, but I had hundreds of brothers and sisters. I swim and play all day with them. At that time I am not like my parents. I have no legs, but I have a long tail, so I look like a fish. Then my tail becomes shorter and shorter. And now I have four legs and a very short tail. I know I’m going to have no tail at all soon. I’m going to be like my parents. Then I’m going to jump out of the water. I’m going to eat a lot of insects –a lot of bad insects. Who am I ?。


